Upcoming Installments of The Proactive Employer Podcast: 4/23 - 5/17

Upcoming Installments of The Proactive Employer Podcast: 4/23 - 5/17

Friday, April 23: In this installment, we will be discussing FLSA and the fluctuating work week with Richard Tuschmann. Mr. Tuschmann is a labor and employment attorney in the Miami office of Epstein Becker and Green. He is the co-author of the blog "Florida Employment and Immigration Law Blog" and editor of Epstein Becker and Green's "Wage and Hour Defense" blog. He is a frequent lecturer on employment law issues and is a regular contributor to Thompson Publishing's "Employer's Guide to the Fair Labor Standards Act".

Friday, April 30: In this installment, I will be highlighting some of the top issues employers should be following to stay compliant and out of the courtroom. Top issues include recruiting and hiring, social media, Employee Free Choice Act, FMLA, ADA, heathcare reform, FLSA and independent contractor classification.

Friday, May 7: In this installment, we'll be discussing what recruiters need to know about the Uniform Guidelines of the Employment Selection process and their liability for discrimination in selection. Our guest for this installment is Karen Mattonen, an experienced recruiter who operates her own business - Advanced Career Solutions - and is actively involved in many industry organizations and activities. She is the co-host of the podcast "The Recruiters Lounge".

Friday, May 14: In this installment, we'll be discussing social media and what employers need to know with Eric Meyer. Mr. Meyer is an attorney at Dilworth Paxson. He concentrates his practice on litigating and providing counsel to employers throughout the mid-Atlantic region on labor and employment issues affecting the workplace. Mr. Meyer's experience also includes preparing social media policies, and he has been quoted on such policies in Business Insurance and ABCNews.com.

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