March Installments of "The Proactive Employer" Podcast

Friday, 2/26: In this LIVE installment, our guest will be Jonathan Hyman, a Partner in the Labor and Employment Group of Kohrman Jackson and Krantz. We will be discussing the use of statistics in reduction in force matters, and how statistical analysis factors into employment law. Mr. Hyman is the author of the Ohio Employer's Law Blog.
Friday, 3/5: In this installment, I will be providing five standards for conducting an OFCCP-compliant compensation self-evaluation with respect to gender race, and ethnicity. We'll cover construction of similarly situated employee groupings (SSEGs), statistical analysis and multiple regression analysis, practical versus statistical significance, investigation and remediation of statistically significant disparities, and contemporaneous creation and retention of required data.
Friday, 3/12: We'll continue our discussion of compensation self-auditing. I'll be providing a recap of my webinar, "Understanding the Compensation Self-Audit". Topics include reasons to conduct a self audit, the self-audit framework, similarly situated employee groupings, edge factors, data measurability, availability and collection, multiple regression analysis, practical and statistical significance, and follow up investigations. The webinar will take place on Thursday, March 4 at 2PM Eastern. You can register for the webinar here.
Friday, 3/19: In this installment, I will be discussing proactive statistical analyses. These analyses span the entire employment life cycle, from initial hiring, initial assignment and initial pay, to compensation, promotions, and reductions in force. These proactive statistical analyses will not only help you assess your risk of employment-related litigation, they can lead to operational efficiencies, more streamlined processes, and can help you transform your organization into a best-practices firm that can attract and retain top talent.
Friday, 3/26: In this installment, I will be providing an overview of the calculation of damages in wrongful termination litigation. My presentation will focus on the key issues and concepts, and will be non-mathematical in nature. We'll talk about mitigation, duration of unemployment and job search, and estimation of earnings streams but-for the alleged wrongful termination and given the alleged wrongful termination.
March should be a very exciting month at The Proactive Employer. I hope you'll be able to join me for these upcoming installments. You can listen online or download these podcasts at The Proactive Employer, or you can subscribe (free of charge) via iTunes.
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